The Healthy Highlands Program is a collaborative community initiative. Lasting personal and social change can only come about when we all
work together to invest in our children, our health, and our neighbors.
The Healthy Highlands Program through the Alleghany Highlands YMCA works with community organizations representing a broad
cross-section of local health, education, social service, and charitable organizations to align resources and bring positive, lasting change to the
Alleghany Highlands.
AHYMCA Healthy Highlands Program Partners
Alleghany County Commonwealth Attorney
Alleghany County Sheriff’s Department
Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce *
Alleghany Highlands Community Services *
Alleghany Highlands Healthy Youth Coalition
Alleghany Highlands Public Schools *
Alleghany Highlands Regional Library
Alleghany-Covington Department of Social Services
Arritt Funeral Home *
Bath Community Hospital
Boys Home of Covington, VA
Clifton Forge Public Library
Connections Plus
Cora Dance *
Craig County Public Schools
Jackson River Technical Center
Lewis Gale Hospital Alleghany *
Live Well Alleghany
Mountain Gateway Community College *
Ridgeline Physical Therapy *
Safehome Systems of Covington, VA
The Alleghany Foundation *
Virginia Department of Health *
* Original Healthy Highlands Stakeholders
AHYMCA Healthy Highlands Initiatives
Mountain Toppers Healthy Aging
“Empowering Adults to Live Every Day to the Fullest”
This group meets every third Thursday from February to October from 10:00 AM to Noon at the Alleghany Highlands Public Library. A fun activity is followed by a health presentation and then lunch.
The initiative is sponsored by the AHYMCA Healthy Highlands Program, the Alleghany Highlands Regional Library and ConnectionsPlus Healthcare + Hospice.
Space is limited. Call 540-962-3321 to reserve a spot.
Domestic Violence Awareness and Education
This is a four-part DV Awareness curriculum developed with Safehome Systems for the MGCC Registered Nursing Program. The goal of the program is to educate our future health care workers on the types of domestic violence, ways to interact with patients, and resources available in the community. Other partners in this program are the Alleghany County Sheriff’s Department, the Covington-Alleghany County Division of Social Services, and the Alleghany County Commonwealth Attorney.
Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth Grant
In 2023, the AHYMCA Healthy Highlands Program applied for and received a grant to establish the Healthy Highlands Tobacco-Free, Vape-Free Youth Initiative. This three-year grant will support smoking and vaping cessation education in health-related classrooms at Jackson River Technical Center and Alleghany High School. Additionally, students enrolled in various JRTC marketing classes will develop a targeted marketing campaign.
The initiative aims to reduce tobacco and vaping use among youth in Alleghany County and the broader community. This will be accomplished through the education of future healthcare professionals and the implementation of a comprehensive media campaign. Developed by high school students, the campaign will emphasize peer-to-peer education to raise awareness and promote positive behavioral change.
Healthy Brain Habits Presentations
These are two presentations are appropriate for community audiences.
Dementia Discussions
A presentation covering the common types of dementia and ways to prevent memory loss
Stay Stroke Smart
A presentation covering types, causes, and treatment of stroke, along with a review of common stroke risk factors
To connect and learn more about Healthy Highlands, please contact our Healthy Highlands Program Coordinator, Dr. Sandra McHenry